Celebrating our 95th year!

Regular Hours of Operation:
Holmesburg Fish and Game Ranges
Are OPEN 6 AM to 11 PM
unless otherwise noted
Watch this space for more information

New Member Orientations limited to 10 students each Sunday at Noon. Check in the clubhouse office  by 11:00 AM (11:30 at the absolute latest) to reserve your seat.

Range Events & Activities Schedule
Sunday February 2nd Indoor Offhand .22 LR 
Lever or Pump Action, iron sights Rifle 09:00
Monday February 3rd General Meeting 7:30 pm - Ranges Closed
Tuesday February 4th Junior Rifle 6 - 9 PM
Sunday February 9th CF Rifle - Infantryman 
Iron Sights,6mm or larger 09:00
Indoor Offhand .22 LR Scoped Rifle 09:00
Tuesday February 11th Junior Rifle 6 - 9 PM
Sunday February 16th XRing - 60 rnds .22 on STD targets 09:30
Tuesday February 18th Junior Rifle 6 - 9 PM
Saturday February 22nd Phila Prisons using 
Pistol range and Indoor range 6AM until 5PM
Sunday February 23rd Military Pistol Unlimited Shoot 10:00
Military Pistol/Rifle Awards Banquet 12:00
Sunday March 2nd Cowboy .22 Pistol/Rifle Shoot 09:30
Monday March 3rOutdoor Ranges CLOSED until 10 AM
Due to PWD ampling Activity 
General Meeting 7:30 pm - Ranges Closed
Tuesday March 4th Outdoor Ranges CLOSED until 10 AM
Due to PWD ampling Activity
Junior Rifle - 6 - 9 PM
Sunday March 9th CF Rifle - Any Rifle any Sight 09:00
Tuesday March 11th Junior Rifle - 6 - 9 PM
Sunday March 16th Black Powder Meat Shoot 09:00
Bullseye Pistol 60 Rounds CF Revolver 09:30
Tuesday March 18th Junior Rifle 6 - 9 PM
Sunday March 23rd Tactical Pistol #1 10:00
Tuesday March 25th Junior Rifle 6 - 9 PM
Sunday March 23rd Military Pistol #1 Straight 10:00

View/Download the Club 2024 Calendar (updated 5/29)
Click to View/Download Club 2025 Calendar (updated 12/17)
Range Hours and Rules! 

All Ranges are Open...
Sat through Mon Dawn to 11 PM and
Tue through Fri   5pm to 11 PM
in addition, the rifle range is open for pistol (only when the pistol range is otherwise engaged) and rifle shooting
Tuesday through Friday from Dawn - 5pm EXCEPT when noted.
You must sign-in on a club log sheet even if you are not shooting and you must wear your club badge at all times when you are on the property. So clip on your badge when you pull into the driveway, and head straight for a log sheet (in the clubhouse, and also on the pistol and rifle ranges if the clubhouse is locked. Range rules are posted on our "Education/Events/Rules" page. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you use the rifle range when Phila.Prisons are at the club, DO NOT BOTHER THEM! They are working/training and must not be interrupted or distracted. All questions or concerns should be directed to a HF&GPA range officer or club executive. They will answer your questions or interact with the PPS if need be.


Weekly Activities

Call First @ 215-624-9454

Cubhouse open daily
8AM - 10PM

Mon. Days- Open skeet/Trap 9 am - 3 pm (Call First)
Mon. Night -Archery, Senior Rifle (indoor),
Tues. Night - Open Trap Shooting 6 - 11 pm, Junior Rifle (indoor) 7 pm
Wed. Night - Open Skeet Shooting 6 - 11 pm
Winter Bullseye Pistol League (indoor) evening practice, other shooters welcome
Thurs. Night - Bullseye Pistol Summer League 6 pm
Senior Smallbore Rifle (Indoor)
Fri. Night
- Winter Bullseye League (Indoor) 8 pm
Sat. - Open Skeet/Trap Shooting 9 am - 3 pm
Sun. -Open Skeet/Trap Shooting 9 am - 3 pm
Five-Stand 2nd and 4th Sundays, 9 am - 3 pm

Club Shooting Hours
Sat–Mon Dawn–11pm
Tue – Fri 5pm – 11pm
The Rifle range may be used for Pistol (only when the pistol range is otherwise engaged) or Rifle shooting Tuesday - Friday from Dawn til 3pm EXCEPT when noted.

Monthly Meetings held the 1st Monday of every month in the
clubhouse or classroom at:
5100 Pennypack Street
Philadelphia, PA 19136
(There is no shooting during/after general meetings)

Renew Your Membership
Join the Club

Questions or comments about website? Send your emails to webmaster@holmesburgfishandgame.com 
This is your Gun Club. Tell us how you'd like it run!

Still Don't have your NEW BADGE???
Come to the office to have your picture taken
Sundays 9am - 12 Noon. Call first.
If you have a problem coming to the club, you may email a recent picture of yourself along with your name, membership number, address and phone number, to membershiphfg@comcast.net.

Click to Join or Renew

HF&GPA is CMP Club No.025012


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