Bullseye Pistol

Military and Tactical Pistol

Cowboy Shoots

Law Enforcement Pistol


2024 Cowboy Shoots Attention Cowpokes, Banditos, Buckaroos and Wannabes!

Howdy Pardners! It’s time to talk Cowboy.   We scheduled seven Cowboy Gun Shoots for 2024.

On Sunday March 3rd, June 2nd, October 6th & December 8th at 09:30 AM, bring out your .22 rimfire SAA (Single Action Army) and Lever or Pump Action Carbine. Yes, any of the numerous clones will do. We’ll shoot 30 rounds out of the SAA Revolver at a larger target and at a smaller target, another 30 rounds from the rifle. If you don’t own the requisite cowboy firearms, just bring at least 60 rounds of .22 LR, rimfire ammo and you can borrow the guns you’ll need.

We’ll break out the big bores on Sunday April 7th, Thursday July 4th & Sunday November 3rd at 09:30 AM and do it over again. The one hitch will be that your lever action rifle must be chambered for a center-fire, pistol cartridge. And no, the rifle does not have to be the same caliber as your cowboy revolver – just so long as they are both center-fire and period correct. Again, if you don’t own the requisite cowboy firearms, just bring at least 60 rounds of .38 SPCL or .45 Colt (cowboy/target loads, RNFP) and we’ll see if you can’t borrow the guns you’ll need.

Sounds like fun? You bet it is! We’re shootin’ the guns that won the West. But this we must do safely. That means it’s OK if you want to wear your boots, ten-gallon hat and fuzzy chaps, but leave your holsters and bandoleers at home. There will be NO quick drawing or drawing of any kind, no shooting from the hip or (pardon the expression) cowboying.

At the start of each ten-round stage of fire, your guns will be loaded, actions open on the bench (so you don’t have to worry about fumbling your rounds past those loading gates). When your targets turn to face, you put 5 rounds on your pistol target, lay the revolver on the bench, move to the side one position and use your rifle to put 5 rounds on the rifle target before it turns away from you. Just to make it interesting, we’ll shorten the time you have to get 10 rounds off after every 20 rounds you fire. You’ll be firing on a total of 6 targets, and we’ll field eight to twelve shooters per relay.

Here's the whole 2024 Cowboy Shoot Schedule
all matches commence at 09:30


Rim Fire


Center Fire


Rim Fire - Indoor


Center Fire


Rim Fire


Center Fire


Rim Fire – Indoor

& Chuck Wagon Lunch @ Noon!


So saddle your horse, hitch your wagon or hoof it to the club if you have to, but don’t spare the ponies getting to HF&G for this chance to shoot ‘em up (the targets, that is). Yippee-Ki-Yay, Pilgrim!

Holmesburg, Holmesburg on the range

2022 Cowboy Shoots
CF Cowboy Shoot 7/3/2020
Cowboy 2